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Many customers shop around and don’t always buy on their first visit to your site. Re-marketing is a great way to make sure that your customers don’t forget about the great products or services you provide and remind them to come back soon.

Here’s how it works. Visitors to your site are attached a cookie. A cookie is a unique, individually identifiable tracking code for your business. As the visitor browses their favorite sites they will see ads for your brand appearing. This is remarketing. The beauty of remarketing is that since cookies can be customized you can select your ad message based on visitor activity. Huh?

Try this scenario:

A visitor reaches your business site and adds items to their cart, but they leave once the shipping price appears. The cookie catches their activity and will remarket a special code, additional percentage off, or any other custom ad to encourage the visitor to purchase.

Re-marketing reaches visitors based on their distinct activity. Not only can the ads be customized, but the frequency of ads can be capped, so as not to inundate and annoy searchers. We have the experience to help your business implement re-marketing and bring customers and visitors back to your site.