SEM Management

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We can manage all aspects of your search engine marketing (often abbreviated SEM).

Search engine marketing is the art and science of making sure your business gets noticed when prospective customers search for things you offer. The major search engines use complex algorithms to return search results that are most relevant to users. A huge part of this is making sure your website meets modern web standards and has plenty of helpful content. But, it doesn’t stop there. Paid search engine advertising is a great way to jump to the head of the pack. We can custom tailor your SEM campaigns to meet your particular goals. These may include pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and intelligent geo-targeting. Developing the right SEM strategy can save you tons of money (e.g., not wasting money on ads in California if you offer only local services in New York) and really boost traffic, click-through rates, and ultimately conversions on your site. Contact us to discuss your particular needs and goals.

Here are some of the things we can do to help manage your overall SEM efforts.

Re-marketing - Many customers shop around and don’t always buy on their first visit to your site. Re-marketing is a great way to make sure that your customers don’t forget about the Read More →
Pay-per-click (PPC) Advertising - What exactly is pay-per-click? Pay-per-click involves bidding on keywords within a search engine to have your ad appear. Each time the ad is clicked, and the searcher is taken to Read More →
Social Media Marketing - Social media is now an essential component for any business. While you may already have a sense of what social media is, it can take on many forms. Simply creating a Read More →
Content Syndication - Content syndication utilizes your website’s existing content to reach searchers with similar interests. Formats for content syndication vary in order to match the medium that reflects your customer’s interests. These Read More →